What a summer!

Dear music lovers,

Summer is coming to an end here in Berlin and I want to let you know what happened over the last two months.

First: Getting that open air setup really paid off!

In the beginning, I took it around Berlin and played randomly outside to bring some sound back to the world. I enjoyed a lot playing at the lake Plötzensee, in company of croaking frogs (check out the recording here).

Later I started having little sessions with friends at some abandoned places.

Proactively taking my gear to a camping weekend at a beautiful lake in the countrysite (organized by a back than just loose friend) made almost a hundred people happy and dancing.

From that three other gigs emerged:

First, I played the closing at an underground donation party for the famous KitKatClub.

And later in August, I was invited to play at two private festivals: “Rave Againgst the Machine” (check out the video and the recording of my set) and SoundMill Festival, where I played the opening & the closing and had my Function One debut 🙂

I want to to thank you all for dancing & enjoying time/space together and making this strange summer special in an artistic sense.

Besides that private life as been pretty tough and I want to thank all the people supporting me and my kids!

Now, I am going back to music production. My upcoming first release still needs some final adjustments and mastering..

Stay tuned & love,

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